A web app to help companies improve their social and environmental impact, through their own community.

Give, Lend, Relive it

You have objects that you no longer want or need, do not turn them into waste. Give them more life with your coworkers.

Give or Adopt

If you have something that you no longer want, maybe someone can use it more. The child’s car seat, a piece of furniture, a toy …

Lend or Ask for

You need something for a few days, surely some colleagues will lend it to you. A drill, a sledge, some crutches …

Relive it

Get inspired by seeing examples of work done by other people and revive objects: you are not very handy and want to hire a professional to restore it, upcycling it or repair it.

More sustainable companies and people

It fosters sustainability and collaboration among coworkers in the company. We take advantage of the trust of existing communities such as companies with more than 100 workers to establish a network where you can give what you no longer want or lend objects for specific use. This community interacts through a PWA (Progressive web app), of unique access for company workers, which we have gamified to encourage its use.

  • It fosters relationships within the employee community.
  • Increases the feeling of belonging to the community by promoting talent retention.
  • It improves your internal and external public image.
  • Increase your positive impact.
  • Contributing to awareness and sustainable and collaborative actions among its workers.
  • You can include the use of the application in your reports of good practices requested by suppliers and certifications. Being able to measure the actions carried out.

Do you want to know more about Givers?

Contact us hola@givers.pro